Accepting Payments On-Line With PayPal™

PayPal Logo TroopWebHostGS makes it easy for your group to accept payments from members on-line using PayPal™.

Some important facts before you get started:

When a member wants to make a payment to the group using PayPal™, they begin by selecting On-Line Payments from the My Stuff menu. This allows them to indicate the amount of the payment and the account to which it should be deposited.

The system then takes them to the PayPal™ website to make the payment.

When the payment is approved, we receive notification from PayPal™ and a transaction is created to post the deposit to the member's account. The deposit is also posted to your designated group account.

To set up your group to accept PayPal™ payments, you will need to:

  1. Set up a business account at PayPal, if your group does not already have one.
  2. Log on to your group's account at the PayPal website. From there you will need to:
  3. Create a Group Account for your group's PayPal™ account and set the starting balance.
  4. If desired, create a Transaction Type specifically for PayPal™ deposits.
  5. Fill out the PayPal Configuration form.
  6. Assign the Make On-Line Payment task to all User Roles

Your treasurer can receive an e-mail whenever a PayPal™ transaction is processed.

Authorized users can view recent PayPal™ transactions and see the status changes on each.

The next few pages will show you how to set up your group to use PayPal™.