Administrative Contacts

Once a month, TroopWebHostGS sends out an email to representatives of each group announcing our latest newsletter.  And once a year when your annual TroopWebHostGS subscription is about to end, we send emails to these representatives to remind you to renew.

We encourage you to have at least three members of your unit selected to be TroopWebHostGS administrative contacts.

You can determine which members of your group receive these communications by going to Administration → TroopWebHost Administrative Contacts.

This page has three tabs.  The first tab, as shown above, shows a list of your group's adult leadership positions.  For each position, click on the checkboxes to include the members who currently hold these positions on these messages.

When their leadership positions expire, or if they leave the group, they will be automatically removed from the TroopWebHostGS mailing list.

The second tab allows you to select specific individuals to receive these communications, regardless of their current leadership position.

Use the checkboxes to select specific members to receive these communications.  This will continue until you remove the checkboxes, or they remove the selections (as shown below), or they leave the group.

The third tab displays a list of all members who will receive these communications, based on the selections on the first two tabs.

The "Opted Out" columns indicate whether this member has chosen to opt out of either of these communications.  This will override any other selections that you have made for this individual.

Adult members can control whether they personally receive these communications from the My Personal Information page.  At the bottom of the page is the TroopWebHost Administrative Contact section, as shown here:

Members who are currently signed up for these communications based on their current leadership positions will have alternative checkboxes that allow them to opt out, as shown here:

For leaders who are authorized for the "Membership" user role, these same fields are also available on the Adult Leaders page.  After clicking the Update button for a given member, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the TroopWebHost Administrative Contact section.